Causes of Plaque Build-up and Ways to Prevent Them

Periodontal disease usually develops due to neglect and improper oral care. Teeth cleaning by an experienced dentist along with very good oral cleanliness, which involves brushing and flossing, assists in removing plaque accumulation and maintaining your dental health at an optimum.


Plaque represents a sticky mass of bacteria and food particles developing a thin film which is actually the best spot for the bacteria to thrive on. These bacteria will manufacture acids which will harm the enamel of the tooth plus their toxins will irritate and inflame the gum tissue. If plaque is left to build up, it will eventually mineralize and turn into tartar. You can remove tartar only in the dentist’s office by the use of special equipment since you can’t brush it off. It will lead to gum (or periodontal) problems and later on, if still left untreated, to periodontal disease.


To avoid plaque buildup, it is quite vital to brush at least two times daily and floss at least once a day. Use a soft bristle toothbrush and be certain to go around all of the surfaces on your teeth to remove particles and plaque. Flossing is important for the reason that toothbrush is not able to get to the places between the teeth, and it’s a very good area for microbes and particles to get stuck in. You can also use mouth rinses in your daily oral cleanliness regimen and keep the plaque away. Most significantly, go to the dentist habitually to get a routine teeth cleaning.


Oral plaque is particularly created by consuming soft and sticky food items as well as well as sugary drinks. Attempt to decrease consumption of soft drinks, sugary drinks, sweets, candies, and when you do consume this sort of food and drinks, brush your teeth soon after. Plaque is quite likely to accumulate even more for all those who wear braces. This is why, when you are wearing dental braces, certain foods and drinks must be avoided if you do not want to get issues with cavities, demineralization and gum illness.


Consult your dentist on what would be the right prevention measures and therapy for your certain case. Bear in mind that frequent dental examinations and teeth cleaning is mandatory and it would be most beneficial to get them at the very least every six months. Great oral hygiene and common checkups should certainly reduce plaque deposits and development of gum or periodontal disease as well as the formation of oral cavities.

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